Wild Animal Sounds
Virginia Wright, the author of wonderful Children’s books, such as Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do, The Prince and the Dragon: A Fairy Tale, and The Christmas Secret has done it again with her magnificent interactive book, titled: Wild Animal Sounds. Available on Amazon for Pre-Order. Release November 27th.
Wild Animal Sounds is an interactive picture book, cleverly designed with simple text and a phrased paragraph pattern to help teach children sounds. Not only is this a great learning experience for your pre-schooler, it also provides an ideal opportunity for parents and caregivers to bond with their child in a fun yet educational way. Relive your childhood by taking an imaginary tour of the jungle! Rawr, Gr-aaaaa-ah, G-r-r-r-r-r, like a bear, MMM-ow and Psshhh, like the tallest of giraffes before hunkering down and howling like a coyote: Rup-rup-rup-aroo.
While introducing your child to some of the most popular animals in the wild and the funny sounds they make, Wild Animal Sounds will help them develop a sound, word, and picture association.
Wild Animal Sounds is a perfect fit for children who are just learning to talk.
Wild Animal Sounds is an interactive picture book, cleverly designed with simple text and a phrased paragraph pattern to help teach children sounds. Not only is this a great learning experience for your pre-schooler, it also provides an ideal opportunity for parents and caregivers to bond with their child in a fun yet educational way. Relive your childhood by taking an imaginary tour of the jungle! Rawr, Gr-aaaaa-ah, G-r-r-r-r-r, like a bear, MMM-ow and Psshhh, like the tallest of giraffes before hunkering down and howling like a coyote: Rup-rup-rup-aroo.
While introducing your child to some of the most popular animals in the wild and the funny sounds they make, Wild Animal Sounds will help them develop a sound, word, and picture association.
Wild Animal Sounds is a perfect fit for children who are just learning to talk.
My connection with the author:
Steampunk Alice
Steampunk Alice
I had asked Virginia if she was interested in doing some illustrations for a Steampunk novella I was working on. She happily agreed and not only illustrated the front cover entirely, her illustrations adorn many of the pages of the book. They made my little story come alive. Working hand and hand with Virginia was a blessing. She is a perfectionist and would sometimes keep me waiting for days, until she had an image, perfect to her liking. This is the reason I cherish Steampunk Alice.
More about the Author:
VIRGINIA WRIGHT (b. 1958) as Virginia Brown, in Belfast, Maine, was raised in the coastal Belfast area throughout her childhood and into her teen years. Virginia is author and illustrator of three children’s books– Crying Bear: Yes, Bears Cry Sometimes, too, The Princess and the Castle, and The Prince and the Dragon. Virginia is also the author of an educational, Nonfiction book: Buzzzzzzzz What Honeybees Do. The Christmas Secret, deemed a Christmas Classic, ( my personal favorite) before her latest, Wild Animal Sounds.
Virginia Wright’s work is published in several publications, and she considers herself first published, in 1981, when a regional Maine publication–Washington County Magazine, paid her for one of her writings—Faith.
Virginia Wright’s work is published in several publications, and she considers herself first published, in 1981, when a regional Maine publication–Washington County Magazine, paid her for one of her writings—Faith.
She also has professional writings and articles in the following publications:
Soundings, an Anthology by the Poetry Fellowship of Maine.
Cincinnati.com (Cincinnati Enquirer)
Boston.com (The Boston Globe)
Barnesville-Enterprise.com (Barnesville Enterprise)
WSJ.com (The Wall Street Journal)
Soundings, an Anthology by the Poetry Fellowship of Maine.
Cincinnati.com (Cincinnati Enquirer)
Boston.com (The Boston Globe)
Barnesville-Enterprise.com (Barnesville Enterprise)
WSJ.com (The Wall Street Journal)
Virginia is a self-proclaimed Foodie, with a Certificate in Family Nutrition; and she enjoys writing articles about food, health, and nutrition. She is an Ezine Articles Expert Author, with 15 earned achievements and a few of her article titles to include:
How To Eat Fat and Get Healthy
Choosing a Diet - Atkins Diet: Medical Community Less Skeptical
Learn How to Figure Number of Carbohydrates in Foods.
Virginia says lately, she has found her love of words in children’s writing; though she has been known to write in other genres and currently is working on a regional cookbook, Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook.
How To Eat Fat and Get Healthy
Choosing a Diet - Atkins Diet: Medical Community Less Skeptical
Learn How to Figure Number of Carbohydrates in Foods.
Virginia says lately, she has found her love of words in children’s writing; though she has been known to write in other genres and currently is working on a regional cookbook, Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook.
Virginia has received a number of awards and achievements for her writing, and recently won “The Indie of the Day Award,” for her children’s book, The Christmas Secret.
She presently lives in the beautiful state of Maine- where she continues to write. When she isn’t watering her herb and flower gardens, canning, or cooking, her time is spent as a freelance writer, with her fingers on the keyboard, typing away, doing what she enjoys doing most, writing…
She presently lives in the beautiful state of Maine- where she continues to write. When she isn’t watering her herb and flower gardens, canning, or cooking, her time is spent as a freelance writer, with her fingers on the keyboard, typing away, doing what she enjoys doing most, writing…
Check her out at her BLOG