Wild Animal Sounds
Wild Animal Sounds is an interactive picture book, cleverly designed with simple text and a phrased paragraph pattern to help teach children sounds. Not only is this a great learning experience for your pre-schooler, it also provides an ideal opportunity for parents and caregivers to bond with their child in a fun yet educational way. Relive your childhood by taking an imaginary tour of the jungle! Rawr, Gr-aaaaa-ah, G-r-r-r-r-r, like a bear, MMM-ow and Psshhh, like the tallest of giraffes before hunkering down and howling like a coyote: Rup-rup-rup-aroo.
While introducing your child to some of the most popular animals in the wild and the funny sounds they make, Wild Animal Sounds will help them develop a sound, word, and picture association.
Wild Animal Sounds is a perfect fit for children who are just learning to talk.
Steampunk Alice
Virginia Wright’s work is published in several publications, and she considers herself first published, in 1981, when a regional Maine publication–Washington County Magazine, paid her for one of her writings—Faith.
Soundings, an Anthology by the Poetry Fellowship of Maine.
Cincinnati.com (Cincinnati Enquirer)
Boston.com (The Boston Globe)
Barnesville-Enterprise.com (Barnesville Enterprise)
WSJ.com (The Wall Street Journal)
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Virginia says lately, she has found her love of words in children’s writing; though she has been known to write in other genres and currently is working on a regional cookbook, Ayuh, Another Downeast Cookbook.
She presently lives in the beautiful state of Maine- where she continues to write. When she isn’t watering her herb and flower gardens, canning, or cooking, her time is spent as a freelance writer, with her fingers on the keyboard, typing away, doing what she enjoys doing most, writing…