“A magical story about an older couple (Ben Gazzara and Rita Moreno) who try to rekindle their love one night in the Catskills.”
This does not tell anything about what makes this movie so charming. Yes, Frank and Maggie Cavallo (Gazzara and Moreno) go to the Catskills to rekindle their love, but there is so much more. Frank is struggling with his retirement and the couple’s marriage is beginning to fail. They find themselves fighting constantly.
We learn that the mountain cabin is a place they used to go to for romantic rendezvous. But this particular night Maggie, more or less, forces Frank to go.
Not being happy with Mac in the moment, she undresses and goes to hop into bed. She screams because she finds Frank and Maggie asleep there. This causes Frank to point a gun at the young couple, wondering why they are trespassing.