The Time Machine by H.G. Wells
A British author and friend of mine, Ingrid Hall, coined me as the “Daddy of Time Travel”. I do appreciate the title and hope to live up to the modern motto. But if I am the Daddy, H.G. Wells was the "Great Gandfather of all Time Travel”. But not only time travel, but modern science fiction all together. Remember that Wells also wrote War of the Worlds. These were the blue print of sci-fi, still used today.
Wells was a product of the Industrial Age, which started in England. Machines were being used for everything. He even refers to London subways with electric lights. Wells himself was dubious of industry and took on socialist views. His version of the future, however, was negative on both accounts. Wells has his time traveler travel to the year 802,701 A.D. At this time, human kind had split up into two separate groups: The above grounders, which are called the Eloi and the below grounders, called the Morlocks. The Morlocks were the laborers who ran machines and made things. While the Eloi enjoyed life, but lost all human motivation. They had become sexually unambiguous, small, frail and fair. He states in the book that the males were not strong because they no longer had a need of protecting their own. The Morlocks provided for them, made their clothes, planted their food, etc. In return, the Eloi became a food source for the cannibalized Morlocks.
It was also evident that H.G. Wells, followed the insights of Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin had only died thirteen years prior.

The Time Machine - A George Pal Production - 1960
The Time Machine movie props:
Time Machine: The Journey Back staring Rod Taylor and Alan Young
Sadly, Rod Taylor died, January 7, 2015 at the age of 84.
Alan Young died, May 19th, 2016 at age 96.
Time After Time - 1979
In this story, we have Malcolm McDowell playing H.G Wells himself travelling through time to the 1970s in pursuit of Jack the Ripper played by David Warner. To this day, I get the creeps whenever I see Warner in anything, because of this film.

I thought McDowell and Steenburgen had good on-screen chemistry. This was their first time working together, but the following year, they were married. They had two children together.
The Time Machine - 2002
One of the elements of this movie that struck me was when colonization of the moon ended up breaking it apart. In the far future, you see the now partially destroyed lunar globe. This was good imagery. The time machine itself was amazing. It was constructed of brass with dual Crystal rotating dishes.